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Wide Range Tube Beading Tool, 1-1/4" to 6" O.D. Tube

Tube Beading Tools

Wide Range Tube Beading Tool, 1-1/4" to 6" O.D. Tube


Wide Range Tube Beading Tool, 1-1/4" to 6" O.D. Tube


Available by overwhelming popular demand. Designed and manufactured by Graham Tool Company, Inc. in California. Built with 100% USA materials and workmanship. Works on a wide range of tubes from 1-1/4" O.D. to 6" O.D. Useful on aluminum, copper, steel, and stainless steel.

Our customers include Boeing, US Marines, US Army, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, United Launch, Spawar, and SpaceX.

Designed and developed for simplicity and effectiveness. Easy to use. Step 1. Place tool in a standard bench vise. Step 2. Oil tube. Step 3. Turn crank handle. Step 4. Progressively tighten knob. Step 5. Clean knurled portion of roller with a wire brush for future use.

So that we may provide no charge or inexpensive shipping some simple assembly is required. Step 1. Pull front spring loaded casting forward. Step 2. Place anti-seize on inner roller. Step 3. Install inner roller. Step 4. Place crank handle onto inner roller and tighten set screws with 3/32" allen key.

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