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Parker Appliance Company

Maintenance of Aircraft Tubing Systems, by The Parker Appliance Company, 143 Pages, PDF Book


Maintenance of Aircraft Tubing Systems, by The Parker Appliance Company, 143 Pages, PDF Book


WWII, March 15, 1943

“This is a textbook written for the use of the aircraft industry. The information contained herein is founded on accumulated knowledge gained from long years of manufacturing experience and growth of The Parker Appliance Company in direct relationship with the aircraft industry.

In this book we have attempted to outline in logical sequence maintenance information indispensible to engineers, installers, repairmen and all others engaged in the installation and maintenance of aircraft tubing systems.

It is our sincere hope that this book serves the purpose for which it is published…that it will be of real value in our Nation’s war effort.”

The Parker Appliance Company

Table of Contents:

Unit I Materials For Installation of Tubing (page 4 through 16)

Unit II Flared Tube Fittings (page 20 through 37)

Unit III Fabricating And Installing Tubing (page 41 through 88)

Unit IV Miscellaneous Notes On Maintenance Of Tubing System (page 91 through 131)

Appendix (page 135 through 142).

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